Wild Verge Trial

Summer 2022

With the support of Withyham Parish Council, Wild Groombridge is trialling a wildflower verge in Groombridge.

The trial area is along the edge of Station Road by the Parish Council offices, so everyone can see what’s happening.

We’ve no idea what will grow there as it has always been cut in the past so we’ll survey the verge every month. We’d love people to join us – you don’t need to know anything about wild flowers to help. Just bring a camera phone to record what you see.

JOIN OUR PLANT SURVEY! Outside the Parish Council office, 10am on the first Saturday of every month – everyone is welcome!

We have asked the Parish Council’s contractor to cut the area twice a year – once before the spring growth, and once at the end of the summer. This will allow plants to grow, flower and set seed, and insects and birds to feed on them. (There has already been a small hiccup when the County Council’s mowing team turned up and cut the verge but our volunteer Ian saved the day by removing all the grass cuttings so as not to over-nourish the soil.)

Stephanie Chapman, Community Engagement Co-ordinator for Withyham Parish Council, and Jamuna Amara, of Wild Groombridge at the verge in July 2022

After a year we’ll decide if the cutting regime is working for the plants living on the verge. We may carefully introduce local native wild plants if our surveys show they will support the verge’s wild life.

If this wild verge trial is successful and popular we hope to extend the project and include more verges across the village. We’ll be part of a nationwide network of villages and towns helping to support wild habitats.

From small seeds great things grow, we hope!

Wild Groombridge volunteer Ian clears the edge of the parking area so that the wild
verge trial is clearly defined and tidy