Drovers Pond

Drovers Pond dried out in August 2022

Drovers Pond – also known as Park Corner Pond because it’s at Park Corner, on the road from Groombridge to Eridge – is a small pond surrounded by trees on the edge of the village.

In 2022 the Parish Council asked Wild Groombridge if we could help them to look after the pond. By the time we went to explore it, in August, the pond had completely dried up, as if often does in summer. But our bird expert Phil had already carried out a bird survey and found that it was an excellent habitat for many birds, both resident and migratory.

We carried out a survey of the plants and wrote a report for the Parish Council proposing that the pond should be cleared of rubbish but that any maintenance should be minimal. We wondered if we should think about clearing some of the younger trees in future, but decided against this. We invited Sussex Wildlife Trust to visit the pond, and they advised us to do nothing – the pond is healthy as it is.

We have tested the water quality now that the pond is full again and are very pleased to find that it is excellent, with no sign of pollution.

Drovers Pond in March 2023

When we returned in March 2023 to clear the small amount of rubbish, we found that someone had dumped a very large quantity of horse manure and stable muck down the steepest bank of the pond. We cleared this urgently – a massive task – as the moment rain fell on the muck, it would leach nutrients into the pond and harm the insects and plants living there.

What next? We will continue to survey the plant, insect, animal and bird life of the pond. If you see anything interesting, please do share the news with us!