Red Kites and Buzzards over Groombridge

Buzzards have become a more common sight in Groombridge in recent years soaring and circling high on the thermals. In many parts of the country you can frequently see another graceful bird of prey – the Red Kite. It was saved from national extinction by a long running dedicated protection effort. These agile raptors are a delight to watch and you can identify them when you spot their mobile deeply forked tails, angled wings and rusty red and brown plumage. The featured image here was taken just the other day . As the sun set we watched the red kite patrolling over the open countryside in Groombridge.

From the next two images here you can see the broader wings and rounded tail of the Buzzard.

To get the last two close up photos of the Red Kites I cheated somewhat by visiting one of the feeding stations in Wales where you might see 50 kites at once – an awe inspiring sight for a birder like me!


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